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Modeling Adversaries with TLA+

A common question I get about specs is how to model bad actors. Usually this is one of two contexts:

  1. The spec involves several interacting agents sharing a protocol, but some of the nodes are faulty or malicious: they will intentionally try to subvert the system.
  2. The spec involves an agent subject to outside forces, like someone can throw a rock at your sensor.

These “open world” situations are a great place to use formal methods. We can’t easily represent rock-dropping with line-of-code verification. But with specs, we can independently design and verify the invariants of our program, and then explore how the invariants change when we add in outside forces. This works for both adversaries and environmental effects, albeit with somewhat-different implementations.

One note: this is a bit more advanced than my usual TLA+ stuff. In particular, I’m not using PlusCal: you can still model this all in PlusCal tool but it’s much more elegant in pure TLA+. If you know TLA+, great! This is an essay on specification patterns. If you don’t know TLA+, then consider this a demonstration of how powerful it is.1

Environmental Effects

Following Michael Jackson (not the singer)’s convention we’ll define the parts of the system we can control as the machine and the parts of the system we can’t control as the world. We’ll start by writing a very simple TLA+ spec for the machine, then compose it with a spec of the world.

Our example will be a controller. We have some quantity - temperature, utilization, number of online servers - which takes a discrete value on some TotalInterval. We want to keep the value within a Goal interval: it should converge to it in finite time and stay there. Normally we’d also implement some form of sensor and actuator. We’ll go extremely high level and say that our machine can either directly increment or decrement x.2 I’ll go ahead and hardcode the interval and goal.

---- MODULE Machine ----
EXTENDS Integers


TotalInterval == 0..10
Goal == 2..4
TypeInvariant ==
  /\ x \in TotalInterval

ChangeX ==
  IF x < 3 THEN x' = x + 1 ELSE x' = x - 1

Machine == ChangeX

Init ==
  /\ x \in TotalInterval

Next ==
  \/ Machine
Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_x /\ WF_x(Machine)


x can start at any arbitrary point in the interval. The machine will nudge it down unless x is less than 3, where it instead will nudge it up. The machine is fair: over an infinite interval, it will nudge x an infinite number of times. This prevents it from crashing on us.3

We want to test that the spec is stable: eventually x enters the Goal and never leaves. We can express this property by combining always ([]) and eventually (<>) to get “eventually-always”:

Safe == x \in Goal
Stable == <>[]Safe

If we check this spec with TLC, the property holds. In addition to guaranteeing it converges to stability, we might also want to verify short-term safety. For example, we might want to show that once our spec reaches the Goal, it will never under any circumstances leave the goal:

AlwaysSafe == [][Safe => Safe']_x

This also passes.

The World

Now let’s add the world. World is our generic term of any kind of outside actor, whether malicious, environmental, or just buggy. Not only can it do things our machine cannot, but it’s not something we can “control”. Any restrictions to the world is a weakening of our spec.4

Machine == ChangeX

+ SpiteUs == 
+  /\ x' \in TotalInterval
+ World == SpiteUs
Init ==
  /\ x \in TotalInterval

Next ==
  \/ Machine
+ \/ World

By saying x' \in TotalInterval, I’m saying that the world can, at any point, set x to any integer in that interval. At every step of our behavior, at least one of Machine and World are true: the machine adjusts x and/or the world spites us. In some cases, both are simultaneously true, for example when x = 7 /\ x' = 6. Does our property still hold?

<temporal properties violated>
Trace: x = 0, x = 1, x = 0, x = 1

We don’t have anything preventing the World from continually acting, ever-thwarting our attempts to properly control our system. The Machine may be able to get it within spitting distance of the goal, but each time the world pushes us back. If we want to get any guarantee at all, we need to weaken our requirement in some way. We can quickly show that just strengthening the machine is not enough, by making it more powerful and rerunning the spec:

ChangeX ==
-  IF x < 3 THEN x' = x + 1 ELSE x' = x - 1
+  x' \in Goal

This still fails, with the trace x = 0, x = 2, x = 0.... Let’s roll that change back and focus on how we can tweak our requirements.

Finite Spites

If the world is only kicking things out of alignment a finite number of times, say one million, then it should still be stable. My argument is that after the millionth kick, we’re now somewhere in TotalInterval and the spec is equivalent to one without the World. We can represent “finite World actions” by saying “it’s not always eventually the case that World happens”, which we’d write in TLA+ as ~[]<><<World>>_x. Here the <<>> means “an action that changes x”, not sequence.

Stable == <>[]Safe
+ FiniteWorldStable == ~[]<><<World>>_x => Stable

While Stable still doesn’t hold, FiniteWorldStable does.

Resilience vs Stability

We can’t guarantee stability if World can happen an infinite number of times. We can never guarantee stability in this case. But we might be able to guarantee resilience. A system is stable if it can’t be pushed out of Goal. A system is resilient if, after being pushed out of Goal, it eventually returns to Goal.5 For our purposes the difference is we write []<> (always-eventually) instead of <>[] (eventually-always). Note that stability implies resilience but not vice-versa.

Resilient == []<>Safe

Our system is not resilient for the same reason it wasn’t originally stable: if the World action keeps happening, we never return to equilibrium. However, to get resilience we don’t need to require World to only happen finite times. Instead, we only need to guarantee it happens finite times while we’re out of equilibrium. If eventually the world only kicks x out of Goal when it’s already in Goal, then we’re giving our machine enough time to return x to Goal and we have resilience.

Another way of looking at it: if World happens rarely enough, say one-tenth as often as Machine, then we’ll return to Goal before the next World action pushes us out again.

RareWorldResilient == <>[][World => Safe]_x => Resilient

This property holds.6

Machine Invariants

That takes care of Stable: while our spec doesn’t satisfy Stable, it does satisfy FiniteWorldStable and RareWorldResilient. But Stable was only one of our two properties. The other was AlwaysSafe:

Safe == x \in Goal
AlwaysSafe == [][Safe => Safe']_x

This cannot possibly still be true. If x \in Goal, then any World action violates AlwaysSafe!

What we actually want to capture is that our machine is safe. The world is free to violate our invariants, but our machine isn’t. That’s what we can control, and that’s what we want to confirm does nothing unsafe. A more accurate spec, then, is to say that any Machine action won’t push x out of Goal.

MachineSafe == [][Machine /\ Safe => Safe']_x

This passes, which means that we know that the part of the system we control will not break this invariant.


That covers how to cover environmental effects. We can also model adversaries. In the TLA+ formulation, and we can think of an adversary as an agent in the system who can take a superset of the actions everybody else can. The attacker can choose to act like a regular agent, but can also intentionally break the protocol. This means that the general case of our spec is the one where everybody is an attacker, and the “normal” case is actually the exceptional one!

This is a rudimentary spec of a very simple ring system. Each node can send messages to one other node. One node is the leader and starts emitting a signal. As each follower receives the signal, it flips some value to ‘on’ and emits the signal to the next node in the ring. Ideally, when the leader starts receiving the signal, we know that it propagated to all of the nodes in the ring.

---- MODULE Nodes ----
EXTENDS Integers, FiniteSets
CONSTANT NumNodes, NumAttackers
ASSUME NumNodes \in Nat /\ NumAttackers \in Nat
ASSUME NumNodes > 0 \* TLA+ Naturals start at 0
ASSUME NumAttackers <= NumNodes

VARIABLES node, atk, receiving
vars == <<node, atk, receiving>>

\* Helper op: sequences in TLA+ start at 1
a %% b == IF a % b = 0 THEN b ELSE a % b

Nodes == 1..NumNodes

\* The attackers can be any subset of the nodes of the right size
Attackers == {
  A \in SUBSET Nodes: Cardinality(A) = NumAttackers

Node == [next: Nodes, val: BOOLEAN]

Rings == {
  r \in [Nodes -> Node]:
    \A n \in Nodes:
      r[n].next = (n + 1) %% NumNodes

Init ==
  /\ atk \in Attackers
  /\ LET 
       InitRing(ring) ==
         /\ ring[1].val
         /\ \A n \in 2..NumNodes:
       node \in {r \in Rings: InitRing(r)}        
  /\ receiving = {}

\* Allow next node to receive
Emit(n) ==
  /\ node[n].val
  /\ receiving' = receiving \union {node[n].next}
  /\ UNCHANGED <<node, atk>>
\* Set as received
Receive(n) ==
  /\ n \in receiving
  /\ node' = [node EXCEPT ![n].val = TRUE]
  /\ UNCHANGED <<receiving, atk>>

Next ==
  \/ \E n \in Nodes:
      \/ Emit(n)
      \/ Receive(n)

Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars  


AllReceived == \A n \in Nodes: node[n].val

\* If the leader marks itself received, all nodes before have received
Safety == 1 \in receiving => AllReceived


Safety is satisfied here. We encoded attackers, but didn’t actually give them anyway to attack. We’ll say an attacker can act like a normal node, but can also decide at any point it received the signal and start emitting it anyway.

+ FlipSelf(n) ==
+   /\ node' = [node EXCEPT ![n].val = TRUE]
+   /\ UNCHANGED <<receiving, atk>>

  Next ==
    \/ \E n \in Nodes:
        \/ Emit(n)
        \/ Receive(n)
+   \/ \E a \in atk:
+       \/ FlipSelf(a)

Safety no longer holds for all values of NumAttackers. If the last node in the ring is an attacker, it can immediately switch to “on” and emit to the leader. However, not all properties collapse on us. For example, if we made Emit and Receive weakly fair for all nodes, then <>AllReceived would still hold even if all the nodes are attackers! We’d have to allow attackers to decide not to emit to model that case.

This is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what we can model. With a little more expertise, we can do things like

  • Use refinements to show that a specific implementation is a valid machine, but successfully maintains invariants and prevents negative properties.
  • Compose the spec as part of a larger one
  • With some finesse, compare two instances of the spec to find hyperproperties, like “four attackers can’t do more damage than one attacker.”

If this kind of stuff interests you, I wrote a book on TLA+, though this material is too advanced to be covered there. I also do consulting and workshops on TLA+ and other formal methods, like Alloy. Feel free to email me if you’re interested in learning more!

Thanks to Andrew Helwer for feedback.

Update 14 May 2019

Markus Kuppe, the head developer on TLC, points out a subtle error in the Machine spec. ~[]<><<World>>_x => Stable is an invariant, sure… but so is ~[]<><<World>>_x => FALSE! What gives?

The problem is that every Machine action is also a World action! x' = x - 1 => x' \in TotalInterval, so Machine => World. Saying that we eventually have no World actions, then, also means we don’t have any Machine actions. But since we made Machine fair, it will happen infinitely often and ~[]<><<World>>_x is always false. Since FALSE => FALSE is true, our property was vacuously true.

The actual property we want is

~[]<><<World /\ ~Machine>>_x => Stable

Which holds. Alternatively, we could make Machine and World mutually exclusive:

- World == SpiteUs

+ World == 
+   /\ SpiteUs
+   /\ ~Machine  

This depends on the ordering of the two clauses: if ~Machine is before SpiteUs, the possible values of x' are not defined and TLC raises an error. There’s a similar issue with RareWorldResilient: we want

+ <>[][x' \notin Goal /\ ~Machine => Safe]_x => Resilient 
- <>[][World => Safe]_x => Resilient 

To properly model “kicking it outside” of goal. Markus discusses other solutions here. In particular, he shows how we can use history variables to cleanly model this. Give it a read!

  1. If you want to follow along, the filename must match the module name. So MODULE Machine must go in a file named Machine.tla. This is case-sensitive. [return]
  2. One nice thing about TLA+ we can write the implementation, including the sensor and actuator, as a separate spec and show it properly models this one. This is called refinement. [return]
  3. It’s actually only weakly fair: it’s only guaranteed to run an infinite number of times because it’s never blocked by anything. If something was intermittently-but-repeatedly blocking it, we couldn’t guarantee anything without upgrading to strong fairness. [return]
  4. This doesn’t mean our spec is invalid, just that we’ve narrowed the circumstances in which we can guarantee our required properties. In practice this may be the best we can hope for. [return]
  5. Everybody comes up with their own meanings for “stability”, “robustness”, and “resilience” and they all contradict each other. [return]
  6. Funnily enough, we can’t formally verify a weaker version of this! [][World => Safe]_x => Resilient means that if we only have World while in equilibrium, then we’re Resilient. But TLC can’t check statements of the form [][P]_x => Q, despite it being a weaker property than <>[][P]_x => Q. [return]